Live Auction
When it comes to fundraising, we are not really selling anything. It's ALWAYS about contributing to a cause greater than ourselves.
Think of your fundraiser as a grand opening of a specialty boutique with one of a kind experiences available only that night.
Instead of a volunteer "free" auctioneer, trust Your "Good News" Auctioneer who has raised millions. George has the poise, wit and humor to garner the most dollars for your amazing cause.
George works with consignment companies for travel experiences at every price point. Consignments result in greater revenues when sold multiple times. They are no risk. You don't pay if they don't sell.
Fund A Need
A FUND A NEED, PADDLE RAISE, GIVE TO LIVE or whatever you call it, is a a direct ask for donations, where patrons donate at their own "meaningful level."
"Some can do more
Others can do less
But all can do some."
George Franco,
Your "Good News" Auctioneer
The Fund A Need typically starts at $5,000 then flows down the ladder of love to $2,500, $1,000, $500, $250 and $100.
Resist the temptation to sell your patrons short. Often times, they donate more than anticipated because they can and want to.
Whether more food for an animal rescue, new doors for a youth shelter or a new playground for a school, " Specific is Terrific". Every level of the Fund A Need should indicate how the money will be invested.
Additional Revenue Raisers
Whether the "Last Hero", "Golden Ticket" or "Heads or Tails", revenue raisers are powerful tools when conducted correctly.
One powerful Revenue Raiser is The "Last Hero" Standing game. This is where the last patron to donate at a certain level wins a prize.
Whatever the mission at hand, George Franco, Your "Good News" Auctioneer, is a seasoned professional with the experience, personality and dedication to help you bring in more funds for your important, amazing mission.
"You can always get more money but you can't always make more memories.”
Your "Good News" Auctioneer
George Franco and Cade Curtis at Hudgen's Center 80's theme gala